Debugging Python Code

The Python programs I have written from the time I started learning Python up to now are very simple scripts. I still consider myself a beginner, but I have started to write not so simple code that is usually very brittle and buggy. I have a Github repo of scripts that automate common tasks on …

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A Summary of PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code and PEP 257: Docstring Conventions.

Most programming languages follow a basic style or formatting standard to make it easy for others to read your code. In Python, we have the PEP 8 and the PEP 257 conventions. PEP stands for “Python Enhancement Proposal”. “PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code” and “PEP 257: Docstring Conventions” are documents that contain conventions …

A Summary of PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code and PEP 257: Docstring Conventions. Read More »

Set Comprehension in Python

In a previous article I discussed list comprehensions. Today I will talk about set comprehensions. Set comprehensions were added to Python in version 2.7 and they are similir to List Comprehensions, the only difference is that we use curly braces instead of square brackets when making them. A set is an un-ordered collection in which …

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Python List Comprehensions

A special syntax form in the Python language is the list comprehension. List comprehensions allow programmers to make their code more compact and (sometimes) harder to read if they push the comprehensions too far! The syntax consists of an expression in square brackets to create a new list. In order to show the beauty of …

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The python lambda

Recently I learned how to use the lambda function, a simple, unbound one liner function. A lambda is similar to a normal Python function, the only difference is in the way it is used. The example below will explain better: The poww function defined above takes an argument x and squares it. So if we …

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Using TelOne? Read this to learn how to save data and secure your network.

TelOne is Zimbabwe’s largest ADSL Internet Service Provider and their Internet packages are affordable and meet most people’s basic Internet needs. A complaint that I’ve come across many times on the TelOne facebook page and from talking to users of the TelOne packages is that the data bundles they offer seem to get used up …

Using TelOne? Read this to learn how to save data and secure your network. Read More »

Meeting with the NUST FSAs

A long overdue post. Two weeks ago I was invited by Zibusiso to the National University of Science and Technology to talk to the Firefox Student Ambassadors club he has been working hard to get off the ground. As this was the club’s first meting, we discussed Mozilla’s goals for the year, our mission and …

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Participation Leaders Summit Singapore

I attended the Mozilla Participation Leadership summit in Singapore in January 2016 where strategies on how to build the Mozilla community were discussed, planning was done, coffee was had and Mozlove was spread. Here are some of the pictures from the event.