Like Free Software? Try Free Software on Steroids!


Like free software?

   Come to the Software Freedom Day and experience software on steroids. ”

Not only is the software to be featured free, most of it is Open Source, which means that it is developed by a community for the community. Open source software developers care about your freedom. Freedom? You ask. Yes I said it, they care about your freedom. These developers give you the freedom to use,copy, distribute and even modify the software to suit your needs. Doesn’t that sound cool? With Open Source, it’s not just encouraged, it’s expected.

Because Open Source Software is open to the public, thousands of people can contribute code,visual designs and some do translations for their locale/region. This results in programs that are more secure, more efficient, available to more people and best of all, they are not owned by a single person, but by everyone who wants to(in short, they are FREE!!).

The Software Freedom day seeks to show you Open Source Software in action. There, you will get a chance to meet Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Businesspeople, Organisations, and members of the general public who use, make, distribute or even hack Open Source Software. You will get to hear representatives from Organisations such as Banks, Universities, Service Providers, Marketing companies, writers and even the Government explain the benefits of running on FOSS(Free and Open Source Software).

Sound interesting? Then join us on the 15 of September  at NUST or HIT in Bulawayo and Harare respectively and see it for yourself.

What others are saying:

Free software allows you to spend your hard earned money on other stuff!”

The community. When you need help, they’re there. No calling toll-free numbers and getting frustrated. It’s a better way to work.”

Be there and experience freedom!!!